Source Sustainability
Water conservation through Recharge | Reduce | Reuse
A. Piramal Sarvajal’s Models for Water Conservation through Recharge
Piramal Sarvajal currently works with 3 Models of Water Conservation through recharge. Our models for water conservation through recharge are as follows:
I. Multi-layer Aquifer Recharge System (MARS):
The Multi-layer Aquifer Recharge System is model for groundwater recharge which collects water from nearby rooftops and channels the water collected to multiple aquifers in the ground through a custom-made recharge borewell. Estimated amount of water to be recharged will be 2,00,000 Litres per structure.

I. Bore Charger:
The Bore charger is a model which enhances the strength of a borewell by capturing the water available in the shallow aquifers which is otherwise lost due to evaporation and recharging the borewell. After carefully examining the borewell, slits are made at appropriate points of the borewell to allow water from nearby borewell to enter into the borewell and recharging it. Estimated amount of water to be recharged will be 50,000 Litres per structure.

Technical Support from Urdhvam
II. Phoenix Borewell (Well to Borewell Charger):
The well to borewell charger is used in a scenario where the level of water at a point is in excess and the level of water at some other point in in deficit. Water is transferred from the point of excess to the point of deficit through a system of pipes laid down. So that water loss can be minimized. Estimated amount of water to be recharged will be 2,00,000 Litres per structure.

B. Piramal Sarvajal’s Models for Water Conservation through Storage
I. Storage in Ferro-Cement Tanks:
In locations where it becomes difficult to recharge water due to geography of the area, Piramal Sarvajal builds storage structures in the form of ferro-cement tanks to store water. Ferro-cement tanks are cheaper alternatives to RCC tanks but serve the same purpose. Estimated storage capacity of 25,000 Litres to be created per tank. Multiple storage tanks to be created at the selected location.