Adopt A Village
- India has a population of 1.2 billion of which 68% is rural.
- 77 million Indians lack access to safe drinking water
- 85% of country is dependent directly on groundwater as its main source of water, yet the Central Ground Water Board estimates that over half of India's groundwater is contaminated with poisonous substances
- According to World Bank estimates, 21% of communicable diseases in India are related to unsafe water

- Strategically designed for remote, off-grid locations with central oversight and management.
- Low-footprint public facing Water ATMs provide 24x7 availability of water at an transparent, affordable price.
- Continuous monitoring of real time field data and vital process parameters means stakeholders are guaranteed of water quality and project management.
- Field teams provide business handholding for local entrepreneur, engage community leaders and lead door to door health awareness campaigns.

Sarvajal Impact at the Grassroot Level

- Villagers have access to drinking water of assured quality
- Incidences of waterborne disease are reduced as health is improved
- Changes perception of drinking water and health linkages to create informed consumers
- Community members, particularly women and children, need not waste time in fetching water from remote sources

- Families save burdensome cost of healthcare to treat waterborne diseases
- Work absenteeism due to water related illnesses is reduced
- Sustainable local jobs are created through Sarvajal’s operation
- Success of Sarvajal’s work inspires other entrepreneurs to enter the decentralized drinking water sector, bolstering the local market
- Model is self-sustaining, even after the philanthropic start-up funds expire

- Invested capital is used judiciously and efficiently to fund a local initiative
- Provides real time data monitoring services to measure social impact
- Data driven transparency to the last mile assures optimized productivity of sponsored projects
- Donors create lasting legacy by investing in long term sustainable ventures with local buy-in
Create access to a Safe Drinking Water for rural India